Seinfeld Ends My Day

After all the news, and the many dramatic hours of Netflix, I end every day with at least one rerun episode of the series, Seinfeld. Best. Show. Ever. The characters! The scripts! I LOL –a lot. And more laughing is what we need right now.

According to the Mayo Clinic, data is mounting about the positive things laughter can do. It enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, cools down your stress response, and soothes tension. My job is to find the funny in your speech. Laughing tunes my coaching instrument. I’m thrilled I can appreciate what’s funny, so I can help my clients develop their funny.

What’s the big deal about funny? Why use humor when you introduce yourself at a zoom meeting and in your speech? Here are 3 reasons:

1. Laughter is good for the health of your audience. It relaxes the whole body, and boosts the immune system. It triggers the release of endorphins, which promote a sense of well-being. Who doesn’t want that in a potential client?

2. Sharing the pleasure of original humor creates a sense of intimacy and connection between two people – qualities that define solid, successful relationships. Notice how often people end up together in an intimate relationship because “he/she made me laugh.” Just as humor keeps things exciting, fresh, and vibrant in a relationship, it can have the same effect on an entire audience.

3. Laughter is contagious. Hearing one or two people chuckle can make the whole audience laugh. It can win over the tough customers who are not sure they like you – make them laugh and they’ll think you rock.

When you make your listeners laugh, you have given them a gift. They feel a connection with you and are more likely to “feel” like giving you a gift back – their business.

I can help you do that. Please call or write me to schedule your 30-minute complimentary value discovery call. You get value because I turn my attention to your business and how you can have people saying the magic five words after you speak: “I think I need you.” And, we discover if we are a match to work together.

My video course is coming soon. You will be the first to know.

[Image Credit: National Broadcasting Company (NBC)]