Hiring Employees: Assessing Chemistry
Free Agency began Tuesday for the NFL. That means that players are being traded from and acquired by the 32 teams. We talked about the three criteria used to assess players for the Draft. These are also used in these Free Agency decisions: Capabilities, Character…
Read MoreHiring Employees: Assessing Character
In preparation for the Draft, NFL teams are checking out three criteria: Capabilities, Character, and Chemistry. Last week, I excerpted some of my book content on Capabilities, and how our hiring practices can benefit from some of the practices of football. This week, we explore Character,…
Read MoreHiring Employees: Capabilities, Character, and Chemistry
Well, it’s the NFL offseason for sure. Ever wish WE had an offseason? Wouldn’t it be nice to get off the merry-go-round of “playing” and really think about the future of our business? We could take the time to hire the right people who are…
Read MoreGetting To Know You
One more lesson from the Super Bowl. . . On Super Bowl Sunday, the two quarterbacks are known as two of the best in the business. Besides their athletic qualities, both have many leadership skills. One of their leadership skills is to make the players around…
Read MoreAre you ALL IN?
Valentine’s Day: a time to celebrate who and what we love. . . Tim Tebow is among them. Sigh. . .football season is over. . .he’s not in the news any more. . .or is he? Sports pundits have been comparing the hot new NBA sensation, Jeremy Lin, to our boy Tim. And yes, I…
Read MoreIt's All About Momentum
So, we enjoyed my Super Bowl/birthday party at my sister’s house this past Sunday, as usual in my family. I took notes during the game for this blog post. My brother kept saying it’s about momentum. I was thinking during the first quarter that it was about time of possession. But my brother insisted, “No,…
Read MoreRay-Ray’s Inspiration After the Loss
I am fascinated by Ray Lewis, the 36-year old, 15-year veteran linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens. He holds many records for achievement on the Defense. He also had a run-in with the law in 2000, and got 12-months probation, and…
Read MoreThis is for Mama Myra
So the NFL Playoff games last Sunday were not my favorite. Both teams I was rooting for lost, and the losses were due to mistakes, glaring examples of players not doing their jobs as well as they usually do. Was it the added pressure of “this is IT—we win this game and we go to…
Read MoreAction Steps From NFL Playoffs
Ahhhh, the NFL Playoffs last weekend delivered as usual: thrills and chills, dramatic plays, even touching moments. Three lessons for US in the real work world stand out to me: 1. Turnovers were the story. Remember I’m always preaching “interception” in your own life. I interpret the concept…
Read MoreThank Your Little Voice for Sharing!
Since everyone else is talking Tebow, let’s talk about the other game: the one that inspired me to tell a group of California Women Business Owners (the actual name of the group) to cut out the defeatist attitude if business is not what it used…
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